Home Remedies To Soothe Asthma Irritation

Asthma Free Forever

While any asthma sufferer should always first and foremost rely on their inhalers and other medication to ease the condition, there are at-home remedies that can be tried. Please not these should be used in conjunction with formal medical treatment, not as a replacement. Ideally, try one of these methods if you have already used your medication and are still experiencing some discomfort.

— Steam

Many asthma sufferers will be well aware that cold air can exacerbate asthma, and the reverse is also true: you may find that warm air is soothing, and may reduce coughing and wheezing in between taking doses of medicine. Rather than directly inhaling steam, fill a bath tub with very hot water and then sit in the room for half an hour, inhaling deeply. This may just get rid of some irritation, and allow for a sufferer to be more comfortable until their next dose of prescribed medication.

— Sit Up

When we are feeling unwell, there is a natural tendency to want to curl up in bed. However, this can have a detrimental effect on asthma sufferers, as being horizontal makes it more difficult to get air in to your lungs – especially if you lay on your back. To ease this, sit up regularly and extend your torso in a stretch while breathing deeply.

— Cover Your Mouth

If you are finding the very act of breathing is making your asthma uncomfortable, try breathing through a cloth or cotton wool. For reasons unknown, this sometimes has the effect of calming asthma irritation down.

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